Indian Rupees to Czech Korunas today

Convert INR to CZK effortlessly at the latest exchange rate.

How to convert INR to CZK


Input amount

Type the amount you want to convert into the calculator.


Select your currencies

Choose from the dropdown menus in the calculator.


Review rates

The current INR to CZK conversion rate will display.

Exchange rates here are informational, reflecting mid-market rates which fluctuate regularly. For an estimation of the rates offered by Instarem, please check our currency conversion calculator at the time of transfer.

INR to CZK exchange rate chart

1 Indian Rupee to Czech Koruna
historical data

highest-price Highest


average-price Average


lowest-price Lowest


Transparent pricing,stay in full control

We believe in making things simple and fair. Our pricing cuts out the unnecessary extras, giving you exceptional value with low fees and FX rates sourced straight from Reuters keeping only a tiny margin. Our unique model ensures you pay less while you stay firmly in control.
Rates and fees are for illustration purposes.

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More currency pairings for INR

If you cannot find your desired currency pair, it means that transfers to that specified currency are not supported by our services, but we are working on it! Do come back and check again as we are continuously updating our services.

Have questions? 

You can check the current rates on the calculator on this page. Please note that exchange rates fluctuate regularly due to market conditions. For the accurate rate we recommend checking the rates at the time of exchange or sending of money.
Exchanging currency at the airport can be costly due to high fees and unfavorable rates. Additionally, the money changer charges a higher margin when compared to exchanging foreign currency outside of the airport.
We regret to inform you that currency pair exchange services are temporarily unavailable at this time.

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